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How To Find Classmates For Your Class Reunion Using The Internet

Written By Communication on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 12:17 AM

It's time for your 20 year class reunion. You may have several hundred people in your class and most of the them you have addresses or phone numbers for. But you would like to have every last person attend the party if at all possible. What can you do to ensure as many people show up as possible.

When putting together a class reunion, there'll always be a few people who seem to be lost. First contact all the other members you're able to and notify the him of those you are looking for. Many times someone out there besides yourself will know the whereabouts of some of these lost people. Give people several weeks of time to respond to your request.

If after using this method you still have a number of missing people, your next step will be to resort to the Internet and do some simple searches for those persons who still have not been contacted. If the person's name is quite unique, simply do a search for that person's full name in quotes using one of the major search engines. If a town or city is known for their last place of residence then add that to the search string also.

If the person's last name is a very common name, the search results pages may be filled with countless other individuals besides the one you are looking for. If this is the case, try also inserting the person's middle name or middle initial in the search box.

Another trick is to search for the person's name in quotes but to also search for some full names of close family members in the same search. For example, oftentimes newspaper listings of weddings and deaths will include a list of all the family members. If this newspaper article gets published on the Internet, it will be a simple matter to find a page that lists all those names together. In many cases that page will give a good indication as to what the exact city is your missing person is residing in at that time.

Another tip you can use to find missing people is with their last known phone numbers. Simply do a search for the full phone number including the area code along with that person's last name. There are countless situations in the Internet world we live in today where phone numbers can be published along with names when oftentimes the phone numbers are not listed or our cell phone numbers.

If all these situations fail to produce the whereabouts of the missing person for your class reunion, you can take the next step of paying a small fee to a reputable search company on the Internet that specializes in finding missing people. Oftentimes these small fees are refundable if the search does not result in success. Before investing money in one of these searches, do some research online and try to find some reviews for this company that indicate other people have been successful in finding lost people. All in all, with word-of-mouth and the use of the Internet 99% of the people you'd like to attend your class reunion can be found and notified of its place in time.

By Steven Weber


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